The Hanover Conservation Council dedicated the lower Slade Brook conservation area in honor of Jim and Evalyn Hornig on Friday, November 7, 2008. Jim Hornig has been a visionary leader in land conservation efforts including the protection of the Slade Brook watershed.

This 36 acre parcel, which is now named The Jim and Evalyn Hornig Natureal Area at Lower Slade Brook, adds to the greenway along the Slade Brook corridor. This conservation area, protecting the lower reaches of Slade Brook at its confluence with the Connecticut River, is one of Hanover’s pristine natural treasures. The public trail provides easy access to lower Slade Brook, including a picturesque waterfall.

The Conservation Council is pleased to name this beautiful area in honor of Jim and Evalyn Hornig. “Jim Hornig has been an inspiring leader whose accomplishments have illustrated how a person’s commitment can positively impact an organization and a community. He has served as a mentor to many of us in the Hanover conservation community” said Betsy McGean, current President of the Hanover Conservation Council.
The ceremony included members of the Hanover Conservation Council, Town of Hanover officials, the Upper Valley Land Trust, friends and neighbors.