The Hanover Conservancy has been hard at work for over a half century to protect and improve the quality of life for those who live or work in the Hanover area. We’re grateful to these local organizations and chapters who frequently partner with us to conserve land, expand our trips program and maintain our nature preserves. Please visit their linked websites to learn more about what they do.
Community Partners
- Appalachian Trail Conservancy
- Co-op Food Stores
- Dartmouth College Native American Studies
- Dartmouth Outing Club
- Upper Valley Business Alliance
- Hanover Conservation Commission
- Hanover Improvement Society
- Land Trust Alliance
- Mascoma Chapter of NH Audubon
- The Nature Conservancy
- Richard W. Black Recreation and Senior Center
- Town of Hanover
- Upper Valley Land Trust
- Upper Valley Trails Alliance
- Vital Communities
- Winter Center for Indigenous Traditions:
Conservation Resources
- Hanover Open Space Priorities Plan
- Natural Communities and Rare Plants of Hanover, NH
- Town Trail Maps of Hanover
- Zoning Ordinance and Maps for Hanover, NH
- Recycling Guidelines for Hanover Residents (@Lebanon Solid Waste Facility)
- The Money-Saving Guide to Going Green at Home (Great guide to help you and your family become more eco-friendly at home)
- Upper Valley Pollinator Partners
- Home Science: Backyard Conservation (an overview of conservation -what, why and how- for environmentalists of all ages)
- Go Botany: Identify New England plants and wildflowers with free, easy to use tools.
- Vermont Invasives:Easy to use layout for our neighbors across the river- and of course, plants and animals don’t pay attention to state lines!
- Composting 101: Everything you need to know to get started! OR jump right to resources for anyone living in…
- A house (with a yard)
- An apartment or condo(with small or limited outdoor space)
- Clean Trail Grant Program: Small grants funded by ExtremeTerrain to support trail stewards for all types of trails. Applications are open to conservation groups and more. Look for trail improvements at Mink Brook during the summer of 2019, sponsored by a Clean Trail grant!
- Pesticide Environmental Stewardship: A site dedicated to objective, research-based education on safe herbicide and pesticide applications. Great resources for homeowners, farmers and town managers in an easy-to-read format.