Hanover Conservancy Footprint 1961 to Present
Click on a property for more information.
Rinker-Steele Natural Area
The 24-acre Rinker-Steele Natural Area provides a spectacular glimpse into Hanover’s post-glacial history. Owned by the Town and managed by the Hanover Conservation Commission, the property is permanently protected by a conservation easement held by the Hanover Conservancy.
Hudson Farm
The 175-acre Hudson Farm is protected forever as a part of the Appalachian Trail corridor, with the March 21, 2017 transfer from Dartmouth College to the National Park Service. The Town of Hanover and Trust for Public Land (TPL), assisted by the Hanover Conservancy, worked for more than six years to permanently protect this land.
Greensboro Ridge Natural Area
The Hanover Conservancy acquired the 113-acre Greensboro Ridge Natural Area in 2008 in partnership with the Town of Hanover, who holds a conservation easement on the land. Trails traverse a breathtaking landscape as they climb up the ridge and connect with the Appalachian Trail near Velvet Rocks. Explore the preserve's ferny clearings, woodland streams, mossy glens, and dramatic rock ledges.
Mayor-Niles Forest
Set on Moose Mountain, the 92-acre Mayor-Niles Forest is the gift of Michael and Elizabeth Mayor and John Niles, who owned the land for 30 years. The forested parcel cloaks the west slope of this iconic ridge just below the North Peak, connecting with National Park Service lands surrounding the Appalachian Trail.
South Esker
We are working with our Town partner, the Hanover Conservation Commission, to permanently protect the South Esker, a 14-acre forest on the Connecticut River at Hanover’s southwest corner. The Town has owned the land since 1971, when we helped purchase the parcel.
Moister Meadow
Conserved in 2015, 21-acre Moister Meadow is privately owned with no public access. The Hanover Conservancy holds a conservation easement, donated by former landowner Corb Moister.
Tanzi Tract
The Tanzi Tract was transferred to the Town of Hanover after initially being purchased by the Hanover Conservancy. It is an important link between Route 120 and the Mink Brook Nature Preserve, and includes a lovely short loop trail.
Mill Pond Forest and Huggins Trail Access
Conserved in 2015, the Mill Pond Forest and Huggins Trail Access provide permanant access to Moose Mountain Trails. The Hanover Conservancy holds a conservation on these privately owned parcels.
Balch Hill Natural Area
The Hanover Conservancy's first acquired property in 1970, Balch Hill Natural Area has been a popular recreational spot for decades. The preserve is made up of several parcels: two, including the summit, are owned by the Hanover Conservancy, large portions are owned by the Town of Hanover, and the parcel abutting Grasse Road is owned by Dartmouth College, and is not permanently conserved. All of these parcels are managed together by a volunteer stewardship committee, overseen by Town and Conservancy staff.
Mink Brook Nature Preserve
Conserved in 1999, the 112-acre Mink Brook Nature Preserve is a favorite spot close to downtown Hanover. Miles of trail connections stretch in every direction, many following the beautiful brook.
River Trail
The Town-owned River Trail is a popular walking trail and is fully ADA-accessible. Parking is available near the substation off Route 10, and the trail links up to School St, near Nathan's Garden.
Fullington Farm
Now owned by the Town of Hanover, Fullington Farm was once a thriving dairy farm. A mowed path winds its way along the river to Wilson's Landing, meandering around the Dartmouth Organic Farm.
Trescott Water Supply Lands
Opened to the public for recreation in 2016, the Trescott Water Supply Lands are a hidden gem in the middle of Hanover. This 1200+ acre property is owned by the Trescott Water Company, consisting of 50% Town and 50% Dartmouth College interests. The land is privately owned, and not permanently conserved. Public access to the reservoirs is prohibited, but miles of trails are open for biking, horseback riding, hiking, skiing and snowshoeing. Hunting is not only allowed but encouraged, in order to protect the native plant cover that filters our drinking water supply.
Lower Slade Brook
The 35-acre Jim & Evalyn Hornig Natural Area at Lower Slade Brook is a perfect conservation success story. The Conservancy and a local developer worked together to create a win-win for all: the Purling Brooks development was clustered rather than spaced out as originally planned, allowing the remaining 35 acres to be protected forever. Numerous cascades and a wide, gentle trail make this a favorite for all ages.
Shumway Forest
The 313-acre Shumway Forest was conserved in 2017 thanks to the foresight and generosity of Kay & Peter Shumway. Miles of trails are a joy to explore in all seasons; many were originally built as xc-ski trails for the former Moose Mountain Lodge. Connect to the AT, Baum Conservation Area, Mill Pond Forest and more- all from a convenient trailhead at the top of Moose Mountain Road.
McKinley Tract
The 125-acre McKinley Tract is owned by the Town of Hanover. The Hanover Conservancy holds a conservation easement. There are no trails on the property, but public access is allowed in all seasons. Happy hiking!
Marshall Brook Wetlands
Above, naturalist Alcott Smith stands on a beaver lodge at Marshall Brook Wetlands.
The Hanover Conservancy purchased these 96 acres of rich wetland and upland habitat in 1977 and turned the property over to the town.
Huntington Hill
Privately owned, Huntington Hill is subject to two conservation easements: the primary held by NH Fish & Game, and the secondary held by the Hanover Conservancy. Trails lace this property, which is open for public access, and many connections to other public trails can be made.
Britton Forest
Set on Moose Mountain, this 79-acre parcel was donated to the Hanover Conservancy by Doug and Katharine Britton of Norwich on October 31, 2018. Seasonal streams and historic stone walls are found all throughout the property, and a new trail will connect to the Mayor-Niles Forest in 2020.