Regular visitors to the preserve have watched the brook working to shift its course just below the log crossing, ever since Tropical Storm Irene rearranged things upstream back in 2011. What the brook doesn’t know is that the sewer line is buried here, right under the Quinn Trail, and needs to stay that way! Felling and cabling a large nearby pine in hopes of capturing sediment and diverting the flow were a great idea but apparently not up to the task. Therefore, the town DPW will perform temporary, emergency repairs next week that will involve stone at the base of the eroded bank. Next year, a fuller treatment will take place, hopefully restoring the vegetative buffer in the process to improve habitat. We’ll keep you posted.
Please give the Quinn Trail a break May 18-21, but feel free to observe the work from the safety of the Wheelock Trail on the opposite bank. You can reach this spot from Route 10 just south of the bridge, or from Buck Road. We know the town will take all precautions to be sure the project affects water quality as little as possible.